Plot: Ivy ('Drew Barrymore' ), a sexy teen who lives with her aunt, moves in with a reclusive teen (Gilbert) and slowly works her way into the lives of her adopted family. The mother (Ladd) is sickly and can't sexually satisfy her husband (Skerritt) any more, and to the daughter's horror, Ivy begins seducing her father.
Runtime:90 mins
Release Date:07 May 1992
Starcast:Sara Gilbert, Drew Barrymore, Tom Skerritt, Cheryl Ladd, Alan Stock, Jeanne Sakata, E.J. Moore, J.B. Quon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael Goldner, Charley Hayward, Time Winters, Billy Kane, Tony Ervolina, Mary Gordon Murray, Julie Jay, Charla Sampsel, Angel Broadhurst, Randall Caldwell, Tom Ruben, Lisa Passero, Lawrence Levy, Sandy Roth Ruben, Warren Burton,
Director: Katt Shea
Genre: Drama, Thriller,, DOWNLOAD IN MP4